Artists Gallery

Click on the Artist’s name to go to their gallery

Giedre Abromaitis

Celebrating Canada’s Wilderness

Sandy Armstrong

Loving vibrant colours

Karen Auger

Nature’s Blueprints are impressions from forms and patterns found in the natural world around our neighborhoods

Lorna Barrette

Painting in acrylic as well as pen, ink and watercolour

Amanda Bennett

Amanda Bennett is an oil and watercolour artist specializing in landscapes, portraits, and still life.

Ben Bennett

Always looking for the unusual angles…

Michel Bertrand

The beauty and the expression of the wood

Ingrid Black

Food for thought and for the eyes…

Gary Blake

Acrylics by Gary – Representational Landscapes

Carole Brulé

Life is beautiful – La vie est belle

Edward (Ted) Burnside

Rural Scenes and Animal Portraits in Acrylic

Céleste Charland

Still life and landscapes in oil and acrylic

Margaret Chwialkowska

Working in oil to capture timeless grandeur and the ever-changing moods of the Ottawa River and the forests of Gatineau Hills.

John Hugh Craig

Nature and Wildlife Photography – bringing the outdoors into your home environment.

Mervet Cook

Rural and old world urban landscapes

Jaynie Coulterman

Abstracted rural scenery and natural landscapes in bold colour

Signhild Damus

My abstract art is meant to inspire and lend form to the imagination

Niki Economo

Capturing movement and energy

Marie-France L’Ecuyer

I paint what I love: mountains and landscapes I hike in; trees and waters I sit by; and beautiful flowers and shrubs arranged by nature or human hands for me to marvel at.

Aad-Yean Faisal

Life is finite, art is not.

Denise Guillemette

Vibrant and colourful with a touch of impressionism

Trevor Jones

Detailed depictions of landscapes using oil on canvas

Linda Lovell

Where nature’s beauty meets the artists brushstroke

Shirley MacKenzie

Visual Artist and Illustrator, telling stories with words, and sometimes without.

Martha Markowsky

Painting scenes of children in various activities, hockey, skating, skiing, etc.

Julie Mercier

Art to make your spirit sing

Nadia Morcos

I like to create a picture on blank canvas

Lynne Morin

Landscapes in Oil

Susan Moxley

Satisfying the need to create joy and beauty

Andrie Nel

Seeing beauty in unexpected places

Andrea Oatway

My painting reflects my love for colouring outside the lines!

Nicole Parent

Tranquility and beauty of natural spaces

William Punt

Canadian Landscapes in Oil and Acrylics

Bonnie-Dee Racette

Paints mainly flowers, primarily in oils, but occasionally in acrylics.

Salena Richard

Creating east coast vibes

Amanda Rowsell

Impressionist Landscape Artist

Catherine Schissel

Landscape and seascape paintings in oil and acrylic describing the power of nature with bold brushstrokes and palette knives.

Irene Simm

Unique mixed media paintings

Charles Spratt

Landscape painter, art instructor, coordinator MAA plein air painting program.

Daniel St-Cyr

Joie de vivre in a fusion of classic and impressionist style

Bev Wilcox

Bringing joyful colour to life!

August Wormitt

Happy wanderer of watercolour

Supporting the visual arts in the surrounding Rideau Area

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